[ale] instruction needed

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Wed Jan 14 14:44:31 EST 2004

Is there a listing that identifies the hardware to the major 
minor numbers that a person could keep as a reference?  Is 
it in a updated listing on the web somewhere as the hardware 
that the kernel supports increases?  I've never looked at 
the kernel source, so is it in there where I could access it 
for any given kernel version?  Thanks,

Doug McNash wrote:
>>What's a "major/minor device number"?
> The short answer is that it is simply an index into a kernel table
> filled with driver (function) entry points.  A call to
> open("/dev/somedev",..) will execute this code to prep the device. 
> Likewise the minor number usually indexes a data structure for a
> specific instance of a device.

Dow Hurst                  Office: 770-499-3428            *
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