[ale] HP NetServer Lxr Pro and Red Hat 9

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Thu Feb 12 18:33:17 EST 2004

One of those problems similar to the nm256 sound problem 
that was perfect under the SuSE 7.x versions but not the 8.x 
or 9.x versions.  Interactions of subsystems and changes in 
modules as the kernel changes is a problem.  I am noticing 
that people who want to keep using older hardware are 
running into problems that were solved with earlier versions 
of commercial distros.  Maybe a non-commercial distro would 
address this eventually, or is the kernel development need a 
"older hardware testing branch?"  Any thoughts?

John Wells wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Feb 2004 15:21:09 -0500
> John Wells <jb at devsea.com> wrote:
>>It's not there.  Course,  I can probably find the module on the web, and I will take a look.
>>Since you've done a number of installs for this card, how'd you get around the hang problem?  Reason I ask is that I'd like to go with a later version that Red Hat 8...just downloaded Tao Linux but exact same behavior.
>>If it were simply a driver problem, it would seem I could get it to prompt me for the driver disk during install, but after typing "linux dd", it still hangs just after decompressing the boot image :(.
>>Have you seen even remotely similar behavior in your installs for this card
> Ok, after searching high and low for the megaraid_2002 module for red hat 8 or 9 kernels, I decided to give Suse 8.1 a try.  Installed without a hitch and is running beautifully.  Strangely enough, an lsmod shows:
> sopwith:~ # lsmod | grep megaraid		
> megaraid 	27583   4
> So, it seems that this driver in use is megaraid instead of megaraid_2002.  Odd?
> Anyway, I'll use Suse on this box shortterm, but I want to get Tao or a Red Hat-like system on there soon, and I partitioned it accordingly to make the switch easy.		
> It's interesting that Suse worked, but Red Hat 8, 9 and Tao (or Red Hat AS) wouldn't.  Chalk one up for Suse, I guess :)
> Thanks for all the help!
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