[ale] SuSe and Scrollwheel

Adam Levenstein cleon42 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 10 08:59:13 EST 2004

Yo all,

Last night I installed SuSe with KDE on my box--my first time with this
distro, I've been a Slackware holdout for close to ten years.

I also have a MS optical mouse, which works just fine and dandy except
for the friggin' scroll wheel, which doesn't do anything. I never
realized just how handy that little bugger was until I couldn't use it
anymore. :P

The "Mouse settings" in Control Center don't seem to do the trick,
though it does recognize the wheel. (It has a "Mouse scroll wheel lines
by" entry.)

Anyone have any idea how to get it working?



P.S. I'd like to reconfigure the buttons on the side, too--in Windoze,
one pushes a browser forward, the other back.

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