[ale] Open Source Repository for Local Government
Andy Stein
astein at nngov.com
Fri Feb 6 11:59:46 EST 2004
Hello Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts,
I am driving a project that could lead to Local Governments creating an
Open Source Repository of Shared application software, or simply the
Repository. If we succeed, the impact could be significant for Local
Governments in the US and beyond and equally significant for Open Source
as a means of creating enterprise business mission critical
applications. It could mean that many Open Source and Linux enthusiasts
like you could benefit from an additional source of income as you guide
and assist municipalities in the transition.
I will be in Atlanta during March 10 through 12 and would like to meet
with those on this distribution list who see value in the proposal.
Unfortunately this falls on the off Thursday for both ALE NE and NW. I
thought maybe a smaller group could meet on Thursday, March 11.
Bellow are two recent press releases on the subject, one in O'Reilly and
the other with Linux World Magazine's Radio.
Newport News, Virginia is part of the Tidewater area or Hampton Roads.
Virginia Beach and Norfolk are better known jurisdictions in our
metropolitan area.
The Mayor of the City of Newport News will be with me as well. I am not
sure if he will want to attend a discussion with a very technical group,
but I believe we have a fairly good chance to get him there. We could
benefit both your local government as well as your income since it is
possible that this may result in a need being generated in your area of
Let me know if you are interested and I hope I will have a chance to
meet some of you in March.
Andy Stein
Director IT
City of Newport News
(757) 926-8560
astein at nngov.com
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