[ale] OS Windows text editor for Unix files

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Fri Dec 24 09:52:03 EST 2004

>>>>>John Wells wrote:
>>>>>>I'm looking for a free (as in speech, hopefully) text editor that can
>>>>>>properly read and print these files on the windows side.  JEdit is the
>>>>>>only free one that's done a good job recognizing the line feeds and
>>>>>>EOLs, but the printing is horrible.

Sorry for the thread mismanagement here folks, the light just went on in 
my pea brain.

You might check out the version of vi that comes win Uwin from AT&T 
research.  Last I checked it was free and I would expect that it would 
properly handle Unix files, but I can't recall to be honest with you.


Until later, Geoffrey

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