[ale] Hacked to spam??

John Mills johnmills at speakeasy.net
Sat Dec 18 22:56:24 EST 2004

Jonathan -

Bingo, I think.

On Sat, 18 Dec 2004, Jonathan Rickman wrote:

> > Yes - they are delivered to my local 'sendmail' and thence to 
> > my readers. 
> > The idea is for 'fetchmail' to collect incoming mail every 
> > ~10 minutes and 'sendmail' to queue it locally for any user 
> > (really, for me).
> Do those message totals resemble your incoming mail totals?

Yes - when I 'grep' through 'maillog' by date, I match the number reported 
for "messages sent" in the corresponding 'logwatch' mailed to root.

I just assumed that "Messages sent" meant outgoing traffic, but that did 
not match anything I had knowingly sent. On the other hand I read about 
three mailing lists and they generate a fair amount of incoming traffic 
and a nearly corresponding amount of wear on the 'd' key.

I guess it's innocuous.


 - John Mills
   john.m.mills at alum.mit.edu

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