[ale] Wild conspiracy theories and rumors...kinda OT

Robert L. Harris Robert.L.Harris at rdlg.net
Fri Dec 10 17:59:21 EST 2004

Maybe the world has gotten tired of the 800 pound gorilla and decided a
good diet is in order.

Thus spake Jonathan Rickman (jdr at xcorps.net):

> 1. IBM (the original) exits the PC parket somewhat abruptly.
> 2. Apple is in bed with IBM. Who would have seen that one coming 10 years
> ago? Rumors abound regarding a potential partnership now that IBM is
> essentially free from the Wintel burden. More far fetched rumors even hint
> at a merger. Apple, being an IBM customer, is sitting pretty. Big Blue wants
> Apple to remain successful so they keep buying chips. Apple also happens to
> have a pretty nice consumer grade OS for the Power platform.
> 3. Lenovo is now the third largest PC maker in the world, and their
> government (totalitarian by the way) has a serious problem with Microsoft
> dominance. They like Linux.
> 4. Sun's CEO is apparently initiating talks with Lenovo to discuss bundling
> the Java Desktop on all those shiny new IBM PCs that Lenovo is now turning
> out.
> 5. A contact at Dell tells me that it is a very real possibility that
> Solaris 10 may be offered as an option on servers and workstation beginning
> in Q4 2005. 
> 6. HP selling iPods!!!
> 7. Last night my cat curled up next to my 100lb Doberman and started
> purring!!!
> Is it just me, or are things starting to look kinda bad for the folks in
> Redmond? Industry wide conspiracy? I dunno, but we are definitely witnessing
> some things that defy every lesson that the short history of the computing
> world has taught us. There is something happening here, but what is is ain't
> exactly clear...everybody look what's goin' down.
> --
> Jonathan 
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Robert L. Harris                     | GPG Key ID: E344DA3B
                                         @ x-hkp://pgp.mit.edu
      These are MY OPINIONS             With Dreams To Be A King,
       ALONE.  I speak for              First One Should Be A Man
       no-one else.                       - Manowar

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