[ale] the printer job that wouldn't die

Jim Philips jimmyc at speedfactory.net
Fri Dec 10 12:06:12 EST 2004

On Friday 10 December 2004 11:54 am, Dow_Hurst wrote:
> For CUPs,
> man cancel
> man lpstat
> lpstat -t
> will give the full listing of all printers and current jobs.  Pick the one
> you want canceled and use the cancel command to get rid of it.
> You should turn off the printer, wait a bit, and turn it back on to clear
> it's internal memory. Dow

None of that worked. The lpstat command didn't show any  active job to kill. 
If it had, there wouldn't have been any question. I turned the printer off 
twice and that didn't stop it either.

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