[ale] [Slightly OT]Network Monitoring Tools
fletch at phydeaux.org
Fri Aug 6 08:41:15 EDT 2004
>>>>> "Jonathan" == Jonathan Glass <jonathan.glass at ibb.gatech.edu> writes:
Jonathan> Nagios seems pretty popular (http://www.nagios.org/).
Seconded. I've used it at @jobs[-2,-1] and it's been pretty useful.
My biggest complaints were/are:
* The web front end is all compiled C CGIs with no easy way to modify
the output HTML; I kept threatening myself with rewriting it in
HTML::Mason while at $jobs[-2] but never did.
* The config file format's very hairy; if anyone's interested mail me
and I've got some perl Template Toolkit headers which make it a bit
more amenable to large numbers of hosts (~200 hosts at $jobs[-2],
looking at around ~400 at $jobs[-1] real soon now)
Other than that, it's pretty easy to extend with your own check
scripts and was pretty robust (I want to say it got confused and
didn't notice something coming back up, but I can't offhand remember
it missing something going down).
Fletch | "If you find my answers frightening, __`'/|
fletch at phydeaux.org | Vincent, you should cease askin' \ o.O'
| scary questions." -- Jules =(___)=
| U
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