[ale] OT: Well it is going to hit the list sooner or later.

Benjamin Scherrey scherrey at proteus-tech.com
Sun Aug 1 13:40:34 EDT 2004

J.M. has pegged this one. I've read all the follow up contrarian posts but they all miss the point. 
People who worry more about what other people are doing to the point they forget what they are 
actually supposed to be doing are just as bad as the original offender and probably far more 
dangerous. My experience had been that these are the same people who cry out for tolerance as 
they demonstrate their own intolerance. Perhaps just a coincidence?

	-- Ben Scherrey

8/1/2004 10:24:44 AM, "J.M. Taylor" <jtaylor at onlinea.com> wrote:

>IMNSHO this guy isn't a saint or a martyr.  He did something
>unethical, and unethical acts are unethical regardless of the motivating

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