[ale] Load Balancing Across Multiple Interfaces

Ronald Chmara ron at Opus1.COM
Fri Apr 23 22:41:17 EDT 2004

On Apr 23, 2004, at 10:29 PM, Ronald Chmara wrote:

>> On Thu, 2004-04-22 at 17:09, Kevin O'Neill Stoll wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> I have been googling for information on configuring two
>>> interfaces to respond to the same ip address in order to
>>> share the load of requests and possibly provide some
>>> fail-over.
>>> I have found a lot of information on multiple ip's per nic
>>> but not multiple nics per ip.
>>> Could someone point me in the right direction?
>>> Thanks
> Get an ip address (or two, or whatever). Bond it to "lo" (not a card, 
> but in the box).
> In the router upstream, make static routes for those ip addies, 
> pointing to each separate card.
> linux box:
> (eth0)
> (eth1)
> (lo:1)
> (lo:1)

er, lo:2


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