[ale] Slackware questions for Slackware users

synco gibraldter synco at xodarap.net
Sun Sep 28 02:23:21 EDT 2003

mark knows what's up wit' it....

a lot of other distributions take what's "really happening" and put it into a god-awful 
configuration utility that makes a lot of linux users helplessly dependent on them.  i 
don't want to start a whole battle here either, but i can't stand some of the distros, 
really.  it takes me hours to deshit some of their crazy schemes... slack has some 
weird things too, but it's a fairly genuine distribution.

once you learn how to edit a configuration file, you'll find those configuration utiliities 
to be more of a hinderance than anything else.  believe me, go with a dist like slack 
and you'll be very happy in a week or two

no offense to anybody who likes the config utilties, okay?  i know some people only 
want or need what they offer and i'm not saying that nobody should use them.  i just 
prefer to edit the config files myself and i think it's a better way to understand how the 
system works.

--    synco gibraldter
--    atlanta, ga
--    synco at xodarap.net
--    key id: 0xC5117E0A

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