[ale] --bind fstab

Oysgelt, Moisey G [GMG] moisey.g.oysgelt at mail.sprint.com
Thu Sep 25 10:58:06 EDT 2003

Is it possible to specify the equivalent of mount --bind in /etc/fstab?
Judging by the man pages it looks like it's only possible to specify
Options that usually follow -o in a mount command, and that doesn't
Include --bind.



Moisey Oysgelt 
      Proposal, Engineering & Pricing Software  |  Do not keep all eggs the same basket
      GMG / BOSS / IDP / PEPS                     |  Microsalt
      Business Phone: 404.649.5374                 
      Business Fax:  404.649.5437 
      3100 Cumberland Circle 
      Atlanta GA 30339 
      Mailstop: GAATLN0515
      HYPERLINK "mailto:Moisey.G.Oysgelt at mail.sprint.com"Moisey.G.Oysgelt at mail.sprint.com 



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