[ale] imp/horde

J.M. Taylor jtaylor at onlinea.com
Thu Sep 25 10:53:56 EDT 2003

Anybody run IMP on the HORDE framework?  A few years ago I looked at it
and had a *very* negative impression of HORDE in general, their code
style, security, and general sloppiness.

I've heard that they've changed their ways, that IMP 3.2 is actually
pretty good and natively supports gpg, blah blah.  Looking for independant
confirmation of this.  I'm really nervous about installing the HORDE

I need to get away from using SquirrelMail for webmail, because it doesn't
like the way I configure PHP and it doesn't like Apache 2.0 (they use some
sorry sloppy ../../ type paths in their URLs and other stuff that I have
to fix by hand every stinkin time they have a security problem).  They
also use system calls that I have to get around by hand every time I

Looking for recommendations for security-minded, stable webmail, pref.
written in PHP, with a reasonable number of features and GPG support. I
get the feeling that that's a kind of laughable request. :|


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