[ale] Dell laptop - recommendations?

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Tue Sep 23 14:00:30 EDT 2003

I've had a Dell Latitude CPt 333 Celeron with 14'' LCD.  It has run SuSE 
6.1 thru 8.1 with no problems.  Battery finally died so needs replacing 
from Batteries plus after 3+years.  SuSE 8.2 by default has problems on 
boot with the neomagic sound module.  Haven't figured it out but it hard 
locks on boot every time.  I've tried all kinds of fiddling but haven't 
found a solution yet.

BruceG wrote:

>On Tuesday 23 September 2003 09:14, Geoffrey wrote:
>>griffisb at bellsouth.net wrote:
>>>Hey all,
>>>I'm considering picking up a Dell laptop from Dell Financial Services
>>>off e-bay. My sister writes grant proposals and is in need of a
>>>desktop or laptop. So I was thinking of spotting one for her.
>>>What would you use as a basic spec machine for writing grant
>>>proposals? I was thinking of installing Knoppix to the hard disk, and
>>>running the most current OpenOffice, and just set up Konqueror and
>>>KMail for Internet stuff.
>>>Are there drivers for the modem? Is KPPP fairly straight-forward? Any
>>>models I should absolutely avoid? I might also see what IBM has to
>>>offer, but the budget is limited.
>>Check out the Dell's emperorlinux uses, they'll list what they've got
>>working and what's not.  If the one you're looking at matches one of
>>their's you'll be in pretty good shape.
>Guys - thanks for all the information. I decided to take a leap of faith and 
>placed a bid on a Dell Latitude laptop on E-Bay. Decided to bid on one 
>through Dell Financial Services - although that might not make any difference 
>at all. Also noticed that IBM is auctioning off laptops as well, didn't know 
>they did it directly (they do!) - but still a little pricey for my at the 
>I figure for something to give my sister - something in the P3, 500-650Mhz, 
>256Mg RAM range would suffice. It will be mainly for writing proposals, so a 
>newer P4 would be a bit much. Also like that they are sold with no OS, so I'm 
>not paying for something I wouldn't use.
>Wish me luck - first in finding something appropriate for my sister, and 
>second - in 'splainin' it to my significant other ;-)
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>Ale at ale.org

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