[ale] Who are the trainers... (was: ANN: Linux Training Class, Atlanta, GA, 13-15 Oct.)

Jonathan Rickman jonathan at xcorps.net
Mon Sep 22 22:39:04 EDT 2003

On Monday 22 September 2003 21:39, Crawford Rainwater wrote:

Thanks for taking time to clarify. I'm really not trying to give you a 
hard time, but I do think these prices are pretty high for an 
introductory course. Perhaps it goes a little more in depth than most and 
that justifies the cost, but that is not clear in your posting. 

> Someone who either has the same Linux certifications as myself, if not
> more (sorry I do not have the RHCE yet, been busy actually running ITEC
> here ;-)  Expect to have it by the end of the year though if that
> helps...).

This, I take issue with. Certifications are all but meaningless to myself 
and many others. Experience speaks loudly. Paper whispers.

> Someone up there with John "Maddog" Hall, Tobin Maginnis, and Evan
> Leibovitch on the Linux certification realms (knows most of them on a
> first name basis).  Question is do most of the ALE folks know those
> names (the other two in particular)?

That's some pretty tall talking. If true, then perhaps the price is 

> However, you can see I am pretty open about answering questions and
> sharing the details about my company, I just draw the line when it
> comes to my employee's privacy to some degree is all, then again who
> does not?!? :-)

Again, thanks for taking time to clear things up. 

Jonathan Rickman
Key ID: 0DF501FF

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