[ale] Implmenting PAM

Christopher Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Thu Sep 18 13:02:42 EDT 2003

I'm looking at implmenting PAM do do some custom 
authentication stuff.  I know you can tell PAM to authenticate
certain applications with certain method but is there
a way to tell PAM to try many.

1) Use connects to ssh server.
2) Is user in /etc/passwd
   Yes:  Goto end
   No: 3) Is use in RADIUS Server
        Yes: Goto End
        No: 4) Is user in TACAS+ Server
            Yes: Goto End
            No: 5) Last try for LDAP
                Yes: Goto End
                No: "Unknown User"

  User Authenticated.

In ourder to support our ACL's I'm going to
have to modify each of the above PAM modules to
support ACL's


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