[ale] [Fwd: buffer overflow in sendmail]

John Mills johnmills at speakeasy.net
Wed Sep 17 21:03:54 EDT 2003

Jim -

On 17 Sep 2003, Jim Popovitch wrote:

> On Wed, 2003-09-17 at 17:39, John Mills wrote:
> > Any words of wisdom on stepping from 8.11.6 to 8.12.10 in "one swell foop"

> You should be fine unless you are doing weird things like shell
> execution in an alias (mailing lists, etc).  If you do, you will need to
> have /usr/adm/sm.bin/ setup for the related scripts to exist in
> (alternatively you can modify this in sendmail.cf/sendmail.mc)

No - I make only one or two trivial trims to my sendmail.cf.

> You will also need to have a user and group called 'smmsp' created for
> sendmail to run under.

I got that from 'INSTALL'

> Other than that...  backup your existing configs and then
>    ./Build && ./Build install

That and look through the various other READMEs, naturally.

Thanks. I guess this is the 'Nike' point: "Just do it."

 - John Mills
   john.m.mills at alum.mit.edu

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