[ale] Great News! We've doubled the speed of.....

synco gibraldter synco at xodarap.net
Tue Sep 16 09:11:29 EDT 2003

On 16 Sep 2003 at 9:03, Zyman, Andy wrote:

> Jim,
> do they allow you to have 80 port and 21 open ;) ?
> what is your UL speed?

YES!  i just switched to comcast and they do allow port 80.... er... wait... no, i just 
switched to charter FROM comcast... and comcast did NOT allow port 80.  and when 
i called them and asked them about it, they said "we don't block any incoming traffic 
whatsoever" and i was like "yes you are... i know you are" and they were like "no we 
aren't" -- hehe...  but not much you can do since you're not 'allowed' to run servers 
from a non-businesss acct, technically.

but charter DOES allow port 80... of course i have no rdns here for some reason.


--    synco gibraldter
--    atlanta, ga
--    synco at xodarap.net
--    key id: 0xC5117E0A

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