[ale] Oracle DMP to ... something

attriel attriel at d20boards.net
Fri Sep 12 11:59:53 EDT 2003

OK, so, I've just been handed a project that I'm apparently supposed to
migrate to my servers by monday (i love advance notice and good planning,
don't you?)

Included in this is a file server, which apparently uses Oracle and Oracle
Application Server (although it appears that the only functional use of
appserver is to allow the people the site is for to upload and download
files easily, by storing them to a database)

My project not having oracle, and not having the money to get a decent
license to run it (and then more money for AppServer), I asked them to
export the data so I could figure out what I needed and import it into
MySQL or eliminate the database layer entirely and go straight to writing
to/from the FS via FTP ...

My export, I got this morning, is in Oracle DMP format.  Does anyone know
of any mechanism or tool that I can use to convert this to (a) MySQL
files, (b) SQL commands, (c) something else that doesn't involve
purchasing some kind of Oracle license first ?

Last time I did something like this, the group gave me a user account on
the Oracle server so I could do massive select->insert gigs with a perl
script and the network, this group seems less interested in doing so :(

While I attempt to get an account or a SQL export (which might be
problematic, I don't know, since it involves BLOBs for the files), does
anyone have any ideas how to get this data out of the DMP ?

--attriel (grrrr)

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