[ale] [OT and sorry] - M$ patches and security advice?

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Thu Sep 11 16:42:10 EDT 2003

After reading all this list, I am amazed at how much work is put into 
installation/maintenance for a Windows machine.  It's not easier than 
Linux by any stretch of the imagination now.  The security flaws 
outweigh the surface convenience of running as root.  Dang, the Dell 
Linux PC I have at work was as simple as connecting the wires, turning 
it on, and then walking thru the initial startup screens.  I think I 
made myself a user and registered with Redhat.  That is it.  Later, I 
got the latest Mozilla.  I get the Redhat updates, which in the long run 
isn't any more expensive than an antivirus package.  I am behind a 
firewall so haven't enabled a firewall on the machine.

Sean Kilpatrick wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>On Thursday 11 September 2003 02:10 pm, BruceG wrote:
>>No Windows for 4 years? That's a GOOD thing! Anyway, MS patches are a 
>>semi-automagic thing. You click on Internet Explorer, then on Tools, then
>>on Windows Update. This gets you to Microsoft's update webpage. If you do
>>not have MS Updater on your PC, it will get downloaded and installed.
>The last time I tried to update my Win2k installation M$ wanted me to
>agree to onerous changes in the EULA. I refused. Is M$ still playing such
>games with the EULA?
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