[ale] Scanning under Linux

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Wed Nov 26 17:28:12 EST 2003

Paul Manno wrote:
> Are you using the sane plugin for Gimp?  It's just two steps if you do, 
> scan (aquire image), then print.  Probably can be scripted in Gimp with 
> time to think about how to do it.  If you've not already done so, do take 
> a look at sane, Xsane and the sane Gimp plugin to set default device, the 
> resolution, color depth and page size.

You can also invoke xscanimage or scanimage from the cli.  xscanimage, 
if you're into a gui but don't need the bloat of gimp.

Until later, Geoffrey	esoteric at 3times25.net

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