[ale] Micrtek Scanmaker 3840

Christopher Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Sun Nov 23 14:24:20 EST 2003

Has anyone one got a Microtek Scanmaker 3840 to work uner Xsane? 
I saw that the linux-2.6.0 kernel supported this dvice I'm just not
sure if that is all that is needed for Xsane to work.  Sane states
that currently it is not supported som I'm hoping their web list is
just behind the curve of the actual Linux driver.  

I picked this unit up at MX for $49.99.  There is a unpublished $20.00
rebate until 11/30.  If you get one they (MC) do not know about the 
rebate.  I just went over to the computer to print it out.  I was
scanning some artwork my daughter did yesterday on mu Umax 1220P and was
tired of how slow it was working.  I was doing it under XP and
Parallel scanning uner XP seems to place the OS into a blocking 
mode.  the Umax is supported under Linux.  I doubt that the same
effect will not happen on Linux.  Bascailly when scanning on
XP with the Umax I need to get eat lunch or play a game till
it is done.  I scanned a 25M image and I think it took about 20
minutes to do.  So I decided that ($49 - $29) = $29 is not a bad deal
for a new usb scanner.


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