[ale] OT: C++ .NET or C++ Builder

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Sat Nov 22 09:40:23 EST 2003

Christopher Fowler wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 22, 2003 at 08:39:22AM -0500, Geoffrey wrote:
>>>What tools does Suse use to manage packages and updates? Yast?
>>Yast would be the non-X tool.  Yast2 is the X gui.
> Does SuSE have an up2date like system?  Will I be notified
> when an update has been released?

It does have an icon that sits on the toolbar that will notify you when 
an update is available.  I've only seen it on the kde toolbar, but I've 
not run the full blown gnome that comes with SuSE.  I've only seen it on 
the kde toolbar because that's the default install.  I use enlightenment 
with pieces of gnome for my X.

You can automate it so that it does the updates regularily itself as well.

Until later, Geoffrey	esoteric at 3times25.net

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