[ale] USB pen drive killed?

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Thu Nov 13 15:48:21 EST 2003

I'll double check my mounts.  It may be due to the USB hub device I'm 
using or I may have made a mistake in stating that they were unique.  It 
was late when I was working on hooking USB devices up to the device. ;-)
Sean Kilpatrick wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>On Thursday 13 November 2003 02:49 pm, you wrote:
>| Since I have a USB hub and each port is accessed via a different device 
>| file, I can set it up for certain ports to always be a certain device.
>On my machine, I have two front-mounted USB ports and
>two more in the rear.  It doesn't matter which port I
>plug my pendrive into; when I click on my auto-mount
>icon, everything just works. So if you already have
>each port accessed via a different device file, I have
>no idea how to help you. You're way past me.
>Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)

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