[ale] Mouse freezes in Gnome 2.2...

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Thu May 29 08:43:42 EDT 2003

Keith Morris wrote:

> My mouse is a M$ intellimouse PS/2.  Also, I recently did a clean
> install of RH9 because I began having the same problem in RH 8.  My work
> around works, but it still VERY annoying.  I've checked all over google
> with no luck.

I don't know if this is the same issue, but I had a M$ mouse exhibit 
pretty much the same problem.  It progressively got worse.  The mouse 
actually ended up going toes up and I had to replace it.  I'd suggest 
try a different mouse for a while and see if the problem is consistent.

You might also check to make sure the thing is securely plugged in, 
although generally a ps/2 mouse, once disconnected, requires a restart 
of X to recover...

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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