[ale] [OT] Rediculus Spam via ALE

AMIT AGRAWAL amitag at uga.edu
Sat May 24 11:41:28 EDT 2003

I think its OK. Becuase I have been getting these mails from past 3 
years. I infact I stopped using that account not because of this spam 
but a lotof other spam. But these emails seem to be like some kind of 
email virus, it just keeps on coming. THey don't come often but once in 
a while. In fact one of the Oil Minister's son :-) R.J.Wije once mailed 
back saying that his system had some kind of virus informing all his 
friends and the people he had emailed. I am not good at Virus stuff. See 
if any of you guys can figure out anything. I checked out the message 
headers but it didn't reveal anythnig. THe problem lies with the email 
servers themselves. This worm either steals email lists or something. 
This is not a human spammer but a spammer worm, a regular menace created 
by some perverted hacker. THese messages I started recieving, if I 
remember correct somewhere after the Kargil War in India with pakistan 
in 1999. So I suggets please check your servers.


---------Included Message----------
>Date: 23 May 2003 20:12:38 -0400
>From: "Robert Coggins" <ale at cogginsnet.com>
>Reply-To: <ale at ale.org>
>To: <ale at ale.org>
>Subject: [ale] [OT] Rediculus Spam via ALE
>Hey all,
>I was wondering if any of you have been getting those emails from 
>countries asking you to get an off shore account for them to put money
>in.  Like 30 Million or what ever.  I used to get these every now and
>then.  Now I get the 2-3 time a day.
>Why am I asking ALE about it?  I only get this email using my ale
>account.  I have about 6 email addresses at this domain but I only get
>it to my ale at cogginsnet.com address.  I never get spam to my other
>addresses either.
>Well, I am just wondering if any of you have had similar experiences?
>Robert Coggins <ale at cogginsnet.com>
>Ale mailing list
>Ale at ale.org
---------End of Included Message----------

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