[ale] no 802.11g for Linux?

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Fri May 23 10:16:42 EDT 2003

Dow Hurst wrote:
> We have a Dell Inspiron 8500 I've been configuring for Linux and this 
> was a disappointment when the mini-PCI Broadcom card wasn't recognized.  
> I went searching and found all this stuff out too.  At least the 
> wireless isn't needed when using Linux.  The user will just boot to 
> Windows and collect whatever is needed, reboot to Linux, and then grab 
> the files off the NTFS partition.  We will try the wireless later when 
> someone figures it out.  Some people are just getting a Orinoco Gold 
> WiFi card for $59 and using it instead in their fancy new Dell laptops.

Dow, emperor linux (http://www.emperorlinux.com) sells this same laptop, 
with the following reference to an internal wifi card:

Add internal 802.11b WiFi card: add $200 (prism2, not the Dell 1180)

So I gather you must have gotten the Dell 1180 internal with yours. :(

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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