[ale] ext3 file undeletion

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Wed May 21 23:17:41 EDT 2003

I think the final conclusion on ext3 was that you could umount the file 
system, remount as ext2, and then use ext2 recovery tools.  To recover 
lost data due to inadvertant file/directory deletion you ought to see if 
Bob Toxen's company, Fly-By-Day Consulting, could help you out.  ALE 
members usually get a discount rate if they are polite. ;-)

Installing the utility that acts as a trashcan and wraps the command 
"rm" might be your ticket from now on.  Or just alias rm 'rm -i' so you 
always get asked for confirmation was just mentioned on the list too.

Michael D. Hirsch wrote:

>On Tuesday 13 May 2003 01:17 pm, Pablo Donzis wrote:
>>Hi Ale,
>>I read your message posted about ext3 file undeletion ? Could you find
>>out how to do that ? I'm in a big trouble.
>As I recall the conversation, there is no easy way.  The best solution is 
>to have a good backup strategy implemented before you delete the file.  :)
>Failing that, you should shut down the hardrive instantly and hope your 
>data isn't overwritten.  Now you need to go through your drive block by 
>block to find the data.  There are people (I assume, I don't know anyone 
>personally) who will help you with this for a fee.  It is not an easy task 
>for a non-expert, so be prepared to work very hard or pay some money.
>If you really want to do this yourself, a google search on words like "hard 
>drive recovery" is probably a good place to start.
>Ale mailing list
>Ale at ale.org

Dow Hurst                  Office: 770-499-3428
Systems Support Specialist    Fax: 770-423-6744
1000 Chastain Rd. Bldg. 12
Chemistry Department SC428  Email:   dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Kennesaw State University         Dow.Hurst at mindspring.com
Kennesaw, GA 30144
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