[ale] Opera 7.11 Linux Final is Out

Marvin Dickens mpdickens at tlanta.com
Wed May 21 12:52:35 EDT 2003

On Wed, 2003-05-21 at 12:26, Synco Gibraldter wrote:
> this isn't a biggest XXXXXXXXX contest man -- you're right about not getting
> it.  if we had your source code, we could fix you [unless you were closed
> source]

Your response to my post confirms my past suspicion that you are a troll
(Admittedly, a really bad one). 

If your statement referring to genitalia refers to programming skill,
trust me, there are *MANY* others on this list (And on the spca50x
project) who are *MUCH* better programmers than I am. Also, this is a
Linux Mailing list. Not a Card Captors mailing list: Real people don't
have source code (At least in the vernacular sense as related to

M. Dickens

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