[ale] making duplicate files

ChangingLINKS.com x3 at ChangingLINKS.com
Tue May 20 15:33:01 EDT 2003

Actually, Google is the target. 
Recently, they lowered my link popularity to 1100. The real link popularity is 
more than double that and is verified by Changebot on hundreds of unique 

I have achieved high rankings for tough keyword phrases in Google. 
However, lost some ranking on the phrase I am obsessed with - and it is 
directly related to the fact that they "forgot" half of the popularity since 
their last crawl.

1. In my study, I found special sites that have high rankings for Google due 
to "worthless" local pages. These sites are "special" because Google gives 
them an unusually high popularity rating compared to itself in relationship 
with other search engines.
2. I have achieved top rankings (on another site) using no methods other than 
the ones Google says are undesirable.
3. I found that the what the internet marketing gurus say (supported by 
Google's "tips") are wrong. I believe that there are a lot of lies told to 
provide job security for the gurus - and they influence Google's decisions.
4. Google has been going through some odd changes. Other search engines are 
faster at caching updates, and as a result, have more complete databases. 
There are other problems I have noticed in the last 30-60 days.
5. I have had a search engine expert (that I commissioned to double check my 
techniques) look at my generated pages - and analyzed them with 3 sets of 
software. They are "penalty safe" (for now) because of the way they are 
created. Ultimately, I am just trying to help Googe remember  the data that 
it recognized in the past.
6. Finally, I have seen the "worst offender" (linkstoyou.com) BANNED from 
Google. And? They are still ranked 9,292 IN THE WORLD according to alexa.com 
(which I have found to be accurate - except where they note on the site). 
Moreover, they are trending upward - and ranked higher than any guru (barring 
Danny Sullivan) that I know!

The point?
I test techniques for their effectiveness before believing what the 
gurus/Google says. Most of the time, I find that the opposite of what they 
are saying is true. (Especially stuff related to "vertical marketing").


On Tuesday 20 May 2003 01:26 pm, Fletch wrote:
> >>>>> "Drew" == ChangingLINKS com <ChangingLINKS.com> writes:
>     Drew> In my study, I have found that having lots of local
>     Drew> pages helps search engine ranking for at least 1-3
>     Drew> major engines.
> Google (at least, if not others) frowns on this:
> http://www.google.com/webmasters/guidelines.html
> Quality Guidelines - Specific recommendations:
> [...]
> * Don't create multiple pages, subdomains, or domains with
>   substantially duplicate content.
> [...]
> In all likelyhood they'll weed your site out automagically if they
> notice that you're doing it.

Wishing you Happiness, Joy and Laughter,
Drew Brown
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Ale at ale.org

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