[ale] [OT]-ish: tool to convert ~50G Oracle DB to mySQL

Joseph Knapka jknapka at earthlink.net
Tue May 6 09:36:14 EDT 2003

tslane at attbi.com writes:

> I need to build a "proof of concept"/benchmarking mySQL database equivilant to
> our production Oracle ones to evaluate the feasibility of converting.  I know a
> couple of brute force ways I could do it:  write a SQL*Plus script to generate
> mySQL DDL from Oracle data dictionary and copy rows with Perl/DBI or SQL*Plus
> spool to flat file(s) & import but I'm hoping somebody has written a tool to do
> this as a "bigbang".  ideally it would read a full export (or pipe w/split & cat
> in this case), run for a while (possibly couple of days:) and spit out a
> finished mySQL DB.  FWIW, Oracle is and I'm hoping to use mySQL 4 but am
> willing to look at alternatves.
> does anyone know of any existing tools/scripts to do this or do I need to dust
> off my 3lb hammer?  ;)

A couple of passes with the Wand of Google turned up:


$39.95, with a free limited-(very)-function demo.

That was really the only interesting hit.


-- Joe
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