[ale] sytem hangs after init mounts filesystems..........

Courtney Thomas ccthomas at flash.net
Mon May 5 20:54:07 EDT 2003

Thanks Keith. Good to hear from you again.

I'm trying to create root & boot floppies [2]. My boot floppy is fine. 
It pauses and requests the root floppy be inserted after loading all 3 
needed scsi drivers. Init IIRC then replaces the initial ramdisk with 
/dev/fd0 as /, then mounts everything, the last being /proc 

I'd love to "manually step through the startup with some 
debugging/verbose switches" !

How ?

Much appreciation,

Keith Hopkins wrote:

> Courtney Thomas wrote:
>> Running 2.2.12-20, during bootup, after init mounts the last 
>> designated filesystem, i.e. /proc, the boot process hangs. No 
>> messages, nothing.......
>> Any help on troubleshooting at this point will be gratefully accepted.
> Hey Courney,
>   Are you trying to boot into a graphics mode?  fb or X11.  disable it 
> by default.
>   Boot to single user mode (boot: linux single), and manually step 
> through the startup (run each script by hand with some debugging/verbose 
> switches).

In response to an article in The Economist entitled Marx After Communism 
dated 12/21/02,

".....we have a president purchased by corporations in a sham election 
who has put those corporations in charge of their own regulation. A 
string of corporate scandals has exposed the myth of shareholder 

Mark Spohr	Tahoe City, Ca. [1/18/03]

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