[ale] Cheap KVM switch

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Sun May 4 09:16:59 EDT 2003

My personal experiences with kvm have indicated you get what you pay 
for.  Then again, when I was using the 'mechanical' versions verses the 
electronic one I have now, I was using it a lot, so mileage may vary 
according to usage.  I went through three different mechanical kvm 
switches in about 2 years, verses the linksys device I have now, which 
has worked for the past 5.

Understand, during this time, I was working from home and doing a lot of 

Sorry that doesn't answer your question, but I figured it might help you 
decide. :(

As always, post your results to the list.

Greg wrote:
> 	Does anyone know where I can get a cheap KVM switch ?  Microcenter on
> Powers Ferry in Marietta used to have them for about $10 - $20 but no more.
> The network is my home network with old boxes (486's and P-75's) so the KVM
> switch can be manual and does not need to be able to handle USB or anything
> else.  I would rather pick something up in Atlanta than resort to EBay or
> pay out the nose to a pc equipment distributor.
> 	Thanks,
> 	Greg
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Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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