[ale] 'nuther Sendmail vulnerability

Bob Toxen bob at verysecurelinux.com
Sat Mar 29 21:27:46 EST 2003

Time to upgrade to sendmail 8.12.9 to protect against a new remote
root vulnerability.  An attacker need only send mail to your system,
even if you download mail through other means such as POP or IMAP,
to own you.

There are patches for earlier versions of Sendmail too.  Note that this
new version will bitch about older sendmail.cf files.  Upward
compatibility is a beautiful thing, Eric.

The Linux Distributions do not yet have this.  www.sendmail.org does.

Best regards,

Bob Toxen, CTO
Fly-By-Day Consulting, Inc.
"Your expert in Firewalls, Virus and Spam Filters, VPNs,
Network Monitoring, and Network Security consulting"
bob at verysecurelinux.com (e-mail)
+1 770-662-8321  (Office)
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