[ale] hanging process

Zyman, Andy zymana at hra.nyc.gov
Fri Mar 28 17:09:04 EST 2003


I have one pretty strange problem. 
 the process is not ending if it has been executed using cron. At the same
time next timecron runs it - the previous ( should i say "image" ? ) process
is finishes ( getting killed ? ) and i receive email.
there are no loops in script. I can post the code here if somebody wants to
take a look.

Here is the picture: ( please read on )

Last login: Fri Mar 28 16:28:27 from
Sun Microsystems Inc.   SunOS 5.8       Generic February 2000
You have new mail.
$ ps -ef |grep bou
oraowner  2929  2926  0 01:00:01 ?        0:00 tee
oraowner  2926   682  0 01:00:00 ?        0:00 sh -c
/oracle/work/bin/bounce.sh start rich | tee /oracle/work/bin/log/bounce_s
oraowner  7647  7639  0 16:56:20 pts/5    0:00 grep bou
$ crontab -l
59 20 * * 1-5 /oracle/work/bin/bounce.sh stop rich | tee
00 01 * * 2-6 /oracle/work/bin/bounce.sh start rich | tee

^From oraowner Thu Mar 27 20:59:32 2003
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 20:59:31 -0500 (EST)
From: Oracle Owner 817 <oraowner>
Message-Id: <200303280159.UAA24792 at sunrichmond.hra.us>
To: oraowner
Subject: Output from "cron" command
Content-Length: 854
Status: O

Your "cron" job on sunrichmond
/oracle/work/bin/bounce.sh stop rich | tee

produced the following output:

 Stopping instance rich .... 

LSNRCTL for Solaris: Version - Production on 27-MAR-2003 20:59:00

(c) Copyright 1998 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=IPC)(KEY=oracle.world))
The command completed successfully

Oracle Server Manager Release - Production

Copyright (c) 1997, 1999, Oracle Corporation.  All Rights Reserved.

Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning option
JServer Release - Production

SVRMGR> Connected.
SVRMGR> SVRMGR> Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SVRMGR> SVRMGR> Server Manager complete.

------------------------- end of email ---------------------------------

so there is no "start" part of cronjob. at the same tile log is updated with
correect time and everything ( i mean Oracle ) is working.

Please advise.

Thank You
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