[ale] firewalls, encryption & NAT to be illegal?

Robert Heaven robertheaven at earthlink.net
Fri Mar 28 14:34:08 EST 2003

Sounds like this would make it illegal for me to work at home and use my
company VPN (encrypted ipsec) which is in contrast to Goergia's push for

On Fri, 2003-03-28 at 14:20, Robert L. Harris wrote:
    Call your reps and ask them if they're ready to deal with the fall
    >From the slashdot summary:
    The bills define 'communication service' as just about any sort of
    telecom service that is provided for a charge or fee. In effect, they
    would extend the already-extant laws relating to theft of cable TV
    services to any telecom service. For example, if your ISP charges per
    computer connected, using a router/NAT device would be illegal if these
    became law.
    If the "Digital Millinium COPYRIGHT Act" can be used to put 3rd party
    printer cart manufacturers and garage door openers out of business
    straight up I'm sure that this law will have alot of fun impacts...
    Thus spake Jim Philips (jcphil at mindspring.com):
    > If you haven't checked out Slashdot today, there is a link to this article by 
    > Edward Felten, who maintains the site "Freedom to Tinker":
    > http://www.freedom-to-tinker.com/archives/000336.html
    > There are laws being considered in South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Alaska, 
    > Tennessee, Colorado, Texas and Massachusetts that would extend the DMCA and 
    > make it illegal to "conceal from a communication service provider ... the 
    > existence or place of origin or destination of any communication". This would 
    > include any technology that encrypts or otherwise obscures the "to" and 
    > "from" fields in any Internet communication. Imagine the implications! We 
    > need to start writing our Georgia Legislature NOW to see where this thing is 
    > going.
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    Robert L. Harris                     | PGP Key ID: E344DA3B
                                             @ x-hkp://pgp.mit.edu 
          These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
    Diagnosis: witzelsucht  	
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