[ale] klipper??

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Fri Mar 28 10:56:48 EST 2003

Michael D. Hirsch wrote:

> Then your distribution misconfigured it.  Click on it and select "Configure 
> Klipper".  Then select the Actions tab and click the "Advanced..." button.  
> This will give you a list of WM_CLASS names that actions should be 
> disabled for.  I note that mine includes "Mozilla" and "mozilla-bin" in 
> the dozen or so names.

I'll check it out at another time, thanks.  For now, it's out of the 
way.  I appreciate the info though, as it could well prove to be useful. 
  I'm not a big kde user anyway, I prefer gnome and enlightenment, which 
don't play together well but better then kde and enlightenment.

> --Michael
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Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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