[ale] PHP IDE's

Zachary Link zack at the-links.net
Thu Mar 20 09:29:20 EST 2003

Have a look at Eclipse (eclipse.org) a cool IDE that is based on plugins. 
There is at least 1 PHP plugin for it (phpeclipse.sourceforge.net), and
there might be others.  I cannot vouch for it myself, but I have just been
playing with eclipse lately myself for java and like a lot of things about


<quote who="Greg">
> I am currently shopping around for php IDE's.  I know that there are
> four main ones that I have found so far - Maguma, Zend, Komodo, and
> NuSphere. NuSphere seems the easiest to use, but it is also the most
> expensive.  I need something that has the following qualities:
> 1. Easy to switch between a web server view and the coding view.
> 2. Can handle & keep track of classes and such.
> 3. Easy to operate and setup.  I don't want to spend more time trying to
> figure out stuff and fix problems than coding.
> 4. Nice if you could store code snippets and such.
> Does anyone else on the list use any of the four programs mentioned or
> have any other suggestions for a php IDE ?
> Thanks,
> Greg
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