[ale] Why is my filesystem fscking?

Robert L. Harris Robert.L.Harris at rdlg.net
Thu Mar 20 08:38:56 EST 2003

I just stopped auto-fs on a server and unmounted /dev/md0 cleanly.  I
turned around and restarted autofs and tried to cd to the filesystem.
In turn it fsck'd the drive.  It's done that the last 3 times autofs was
restarted.  Any ideas why?

  /dev/md0            /mnt/global1        ext2      noauto   1 3

  global1   -fstype=ext2 :/dev/md0

It's in the fstab with a fsck pass number so the filesystem will be
checked and mount in the event of a crash.

One odd note also:
root      3092     1  0 08:31 pts/0    00:00:00 /usr/sbin/automount /mnt file /etc/auto.mnt
root      3112     1  0 08:31 pts/0    00:00:00 /usr/sbin/automount /auto file /etc/auto.auto
root      3131  3092  0 08:31 pts/0    00:00:00 /usr/sbin/automount /mnt file /etc/auto.mnt
root      3132  3131  8 08:31 pts/0    00:00:23 /sbin/fsck.ext2 -p /dev/md0

It does though only show mounted once but occasionally it will mount up
the files in /mnt multiple times.

Thoughts, theories?

Robert L. Harris                     | PGP Key ID: E344DA3B
                                         @ x-hkp://pgp.mit.edu 
      These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.

Diagnosis: witzelsucht  	

IPv6 = robert at ipv6.rdlg.net	http://ipv6.rdlg.net
IPv4 = robert at mail.rdlg.net	http://www.rdlg.net

 PGP signature

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