[ale] OT: more info on where all the jobs are (going...)

da Black Baron dbaron13 at atl.bellsouth.net
Sun Mar 16 21:15:39 EST 2003

On Sat, 2003-03-15 at 15:47, F. Grant Robertson wrote:
> mmm, classism...  <drool>
> Is it the Stallman influence to open source that leads so many of us to have anti-corporate, pro-socialist views?  I'm starting to wonder.
> Personally, I'd say a perp walk is a perp walk. Apparently your able to derive some satisfaction from watching a C level take the walk in a way I'm just unable to grasp. Pity me, last summer must have been very fulfilling for you.

Why would one neccessarily have to be pro-socialist to be
anti-corporate?  I'm about as anti-corporate as they come, but I'm still
a free-marketer.  

Socialisim implies a coercive, government-mandated collective, whilst
I'm more inclined to the private collective (i.e. one you can choose to
join or not).  In the socialist (government) collective, the beurocrats
have all the power, and you must kiss their asses **or else!**, while in
a private collective the beaurocrats have to assume their proper
posistions as *servants* to the collective members, or face losing their
posistions.  And if things get too hairy for you in a private
collective, you can always just tell 'em to "feck off" (as Father Jack
would say), and go your merry way with no real social reprucussions.  

Linux is a private collective at work.   

"Here's my family tree.  As far as I can tell, my relatives were 
carnival folk who were touring this place called Hiroshima in 
the summer of 1945.  Because they lost most of their hair, they 
mostly married each other.  And here I am"

 Wylde Bill                                               ||||          
__________________________________________           http://lyst.org    
wyldechylde at geocities.com

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