[ale] OT: more info on where all the jobs are (going...)

ChangingLINKS.com x3 at ChangingLINKS.com
Sun Mar 16 02:35:08 EST 2003

oh oh. I just realized that my last post was insensitive to the members of 
this list who have spent years gaining knowledge in IT. It was like I was 
say, "Forget what you have been doing and get another job."

Perhaps the displaced IT professionals can be more entreprenuerial and create 
software that sells? Is there no other way to make money than to rely on 
someone else to provide jobs?

I was able to design software that others pay me to use (I am a script-kidee 
insofar as repairing broken code that I get and creating new code with heavy 
limitations). But, I have never had to depend on my entreprenuership to put 
food on the table. 

I don't know how hard it is to use IT skill to create cashflow without the use 
of a resume'.


On Saturday 15 March 2003 21:12, Mike Panetta wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-03-15 at 11:55, James P. Kinney III wrote:
> > On Sat, 2003-03-15 at 14:26, ChangingLINKS.com wrote:
> > > I value your opinion in this case. However, I don't think that
> > > corporations are short-sighted, blind or stupid.
> >
> > Corporations are neither short-sighted, blind or stupid. They are
> > single-minded. That single-minded purpose is bottom-line profit. That is
> > the only reason corporations exist. They will do anything to boost that
> > bottom line. As a rule, corporations have no morals. As morals have no
> > weight on the balance sheet, there is no reason to have morals. So they
> > don 't.
> >
> > If a corporation sees that they can produce their product for lees cost
> > that they are right, they will change production methods. There is no
> > thought to any factor other than the bottom line.
> Isn't the bottom line kinda pointless if there is no one left employed in
> a capacity that would allow them to buy the product for the prices its sold
> for?  I see (or rather hear of) all these companies outsourcing all the IT
> work, and yet I do not hear of any of them reducing prices.  How can anyone
> but other corporations afford to buy any of these software products if the
> price is not reduced?  Even if all IT workers in the US went out and found
> lower paying jobs tomorrow just to put food on the table, how could they
> afford to purchase any of the products that are being manufactured by these
> companies?
> How can corporations exist without employees?  Someone somewhere has to
> produce what the company sells.  There also must exist a consumer to buy
> the product. A consumer cannot consume without the resources to do so, so
> they must seek employment at a corporation.  If all corporations outsource
> all their employees, they will have lost their consumers as well...  Or am
> I missing something?
> I do not for see this as being anything but a disaster for the economy of
> the US. It seems that capitalism has failed...
> Mike
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