[ale] OT: more info on where all the jobs are (going...)

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Sat Mar 15 08:41:50 EST 2003

ChangingLINKS.com wrote:
> Forrester Research found that 88 percent of the firms that look overseas for 
> services claimed to get better value for their money offshore than from U.S.
> providers,

The only reason they are doing it.  Same old story though, who's going 
to buy their products hear in the states if everyone's unemployed 
because all the work is done overseas?  Short term solutions like this 
are going to kill this economy, not turn it around.

> while 71 percent said offshore workers did better quality work.

I think that's a crock of shit.  I believe the companies are saying that 
to justify going offshore with these efforts.  I've been on the 
receiving end of software produced overseas as well as by contractors 
who can't even verbally communicate.  The code works, but sucks.  It's 
not well written, it's not documented (if they don't have a command of 
the language, they can't speak OR write it).

Call me prejudice, but the bottom line is, this country has provided 
opportunity to millions of folks over the past 200+ years.  It's now 
time, to recognize this global economy and start taking care of our own.

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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