[ale] renaming the group

Marvin Dickens mpdickens at tlanta.com
Tue Mar 11 15:50:08 EST 2003

On Tue, 11 Mar 2003 20:48:06 -0800 (PST)
Stephen Turner <artic_knight at yahoo.com> wrote the following:

> if your gonna devide it up you should atleast keep the main group! 

I don't think anybody is talking about discontinuing the main group.
Basically, I think people are considering starting ALE chapters or something along this line. It seems to me the pupose of having chapters is not to dilute the main group, but to provide a easy way of differentiating between ALE, ALE-NE, ALE-S and whatever other ALE-**'s that arise. It's for organizational/informational puposes only. 

If we don't do something, it's gonna be babelyon. For instance: Is the meeting this thursday an ALE-N meeting or an ALE meeting or an ALE-S meeting...?... Plus, geographically dividing ALE makes it possible to have many presentations in one month as opposed to only one. It also increases the likelyhood that in each month, at one of the ALE meetings, there will be something (Presentation of something new...) for **everyone** in the Atlanta area. I live in Alpharetta. However, if ALE-S was presenting something I **really** was psyched about, I'd be there.


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