[ale] pcmcia to pci - do I need drivers?

Christopher Bergeron christopher at bergeron.com
Tue Mar 11 23:28:48 EST 2003

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One Hundred Dollars?!  Yikes. I think I'll just buy an $99 Wifi PCI card 
that's just a PCMCIA WiFi card with a PCMCIA-PCI adapter.  I'll use the 
PCMCIA card "righteously" in my portable and use the PCMCIA->PCI adapter 
for my purposes.


Thanks for the leads,

Christopher R. Curzio wrote:

|You can get an actual PCMCIA interface for your desktop. It doesn't
|require any special drivers other than those required by the chipset it
|uses. It's not really an adapter card in the sense that it doesn't make
|your PCMCIA device into a PCI device. It actually adds the PCMCIA
|I have one that has a card that plugs into the PCI slot, and a ribbon
|cable goes to a drive bay-mountable box with two PCMCIA slots. As far as
|the computer is concerned, it sees a PCMCIA interface. Just like a laptop.
|They also make PCI cards where the PCMCIA card slides into it on the back
|of the computer, but having them on the front is a bit more convenient -
|especially for things like flash memory cards.
|http://www.azeemacomputer.com/html/pcmcia-pci.htm -- The one on the left
|is the toy I have. They typically run about $100 or so. Check here:

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