[ale] Speakeasy DSL (Anyone here have it?)
attriel at d20boards.net
Fri Mar 7 10:46:23 EST 2003
> Is anyone on this list using Speakeasy DSL? I am thinking about getting
> their service, but its a bit more expensive then I was expecting...
Well, you've gotten a lot of responses already, but it looks like a lot of
them are also from people who had to bail from DirectTV, so I figure I'd
give you a longer view ;)
I got IDSL in Jan 2000 after I kept looking around and decided I couldn't
get anything faster, and even then only Speakeasy would give it to me.
Had a friend in NH who had SE and said he liked them, so I went with it.
Had IDSL for 2-2.5 years, and there were occasional outages. Most of them
were the "a squirrel decided to try friccasee" variety, and fixed rapidly.
I did have some problems with the line just dropping for 5-10 minutes
occasionally over a few days every few months, though. No clue what that
was. By the time I decided it was really down and started working on
calling them, it was back up :)
Moved this year to DC, had no problem with closing out my IDSL (although I
couldn't say "can you switch it off on the 15th?" and had to, instead,
call back on the 15th and say "ok, can you switch it off now" b/c they
didn't allow the former, no big deal) and getting SDSL in my new place
(mmm, much faster :) I think it took about 2 weeks to get it set up here,
and part of that was they came out to install it and looked at the box out
back of the house and went 'uh. we need verizon to come out and change
this box. This came with the house when it was built in 1960 or
whatever', and they STILL almost beat the furniture into the new house :)
They send out notices of scheduled downtimes, and have very few avoidable
unscheduled downtimes. The current hold time is 6 minutes (says so on the
web page :)
My old package had 4 static IPs (I think they changed once during 2.5
years, and that's b/c they put in an atlanta POP so I wasn't routing
through NY anymore :o). My new package gave me 4 IPs, with another 4 if I
wanted them, and then I 'bought' 2 more, and they had no problems with any
of it. I can't speak to their DNS response b/c I keep forgetting to put
in a request for them to do my rDNS :o
When I activated a pair of emails for my wife, I went through the online
help system (there's no form to fill out that I found, but I submitted the
help request to find out how) and within a few hours had gotten a response
saying 'what names?' and had the accounts she needed activated.
It /is/ pricey, I'll admit. I was shelling out 90$/mo for the IDSL, but
it was better than my horrid modem. I'm dropping 200$ now for 1.1 SDSL,
which even comes with unlimited dialup (for when I'm on trips). But I've
never had any bad experiences or annoyances to indicate to me that the $$$
isn't worthwhile.
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