[ale] Quasi-OT: One for the true hackers

James P. Kinney III jkinney at localnetsolutions.com
Fri Mar 7 10:26:05 EST 2003

Rubber bands between the handlebars.

It's the high frequency vibrations from being so close to the motor that
is the problem. That noise gets transmitted through the body easily.
Bubble wrap won't do a good job on that noise unless it is wrapped very
loosely. But then you put it in a pocket which packs it tight to the
noise source, you.

It might work better to put it in a backpack with a layer of foam from a
PC motherboard box around it. A belt/fanny pack worn backwards would
work OK, too. You need to shield it from the wind buffeting.

What you are trying to do is break the "system" of
motorcycle/body/player that all vibrates together. Holding the player
more loosely should improve things.

On Fri, 2003-03-07 at 10:11, Robert L. Harris wrote:
>   Ok, this isn't a software cracking but a hardware hacking problem.
> I've got an Archos Jucebox MP3 player.  Sucker is worth every penny, USB
> interface (no Firewire but I don't have firewire anywhere anyway), it
> plugs straight into my home desktop and mounts up as usb storage, has
> 10Gig capacity, etc.  Makes a great MP3 player or just portable drive.
>   I've found one problem though.  The shockmounting sucks hard.  When I
> put the unit on the passenger seat of my truck for the drive to work it
> has absolutely 0 problems.  When I put it in my jacket pocket and hop on
> the motorcycle I get alot of skipping, and drive errors.  When I get up to
> good speed I get alot of road bumps and wind buffeting.  The unit has a
> good buffer but it takes a pretty solid beating thought.  I've tried
> different pockets (inside, outside, etc).  I tried making a "case" of
> bubblewrap which helped a little bit but was a pain to get it in and out
> of but still skipped a good bit.
>   Any good thoughts on something that might help protect the system so I
> can listen to music on the drive in instead of the inane chatter of DJ's
> with a portable radio (I hate morning talkshows 'Listent to me, I'm the
> funniest thing ever!!!!')...
> Robert
> :wq!
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Robert L. Harris                     | PGP Key ID: E344DA3B
>                                          @ x-hkp://pgp.mit.edu 
>       These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
> Diagnosis: witzelsucht  	
> IPv6 = robert at ipv6.rdlg.net	http://ipv6.rdlg.net
> IPv4 = robert at mail.rdlg.net	http://www.rdlg.net
James P. Kinney III          \Changing the mobile computing world/
CEO & Director of Engineering \          one Linux user         /
Local Net Solutions,LLC        \           at a time.          /
770-493-8244                    \.___________________________./

GPG ID: 829C6CA7 James P. Kinney III (M.S. Physics) <jkinney at localnetsolutions.com>
Fingerprint = 3C9E 6366 54FC A3FE BA4D 0659 6190 ADC3 829C 6CA7 

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