[ale] OT: 802.11b antenna project

Hogg, Russell E ctcrreho at opm.gov
Fri Mar 7 09:13:01 EST 2003

I'm stuck in Macon at present, and I'm not a hardware guy either, but I gotta say the "cantenna" ones are super easy.  I spent maybe 15 bucks and made two.  The one that is bigger than the optimum worked much better for me.

I've posted the links to the list before, but ding me offline if you want the specific instructions I used.

I got the radio hardware from Ack Supply.

ctcrreho at opm.gov

-> -----Original Message-----
-> From: D. Alan Stewart [mailto:astewart at layton-graphics.com]
-> Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 7:02 PM
-> To: ale at ale.org
-> Subject: [ale] OT: 802.11b antenna project
-> I'm renovating my house and have rented an apartment across the street
-> from it to live in for three months. Not wanting to lose my DSL Internet
-> access, I purchased a Linksys wireless router and an Apple AirCard. I've
-> got a G4 and an iBook. The signal, with the card installed in the iBook,
-> is weak on the outside of the building, but from inside the apartment
-> it's not detectable. I need to rig a cheap directional antenna at either
-> or both ends to make this work.
-> I have seen all the stuff on the Internet about making cheap directional
-> antennas with a tin can and other pieces. But I'm a  software developer,
-> not a hardware geek! I don't know which end of the soldering iron to
-> hold. Would someone like to have some fun and also make a few bucks by
-> putting something together that works for me? This is only for three
-> months, so cheap is the watchword. The house is in Grant Park, near
-> downtown Atlanta.
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