[ale] Samba tricks?
Robert L. Harris
Robert.L.Harris at rdlg.net
Wed Mar 5 12:27:16 EST 2003
Any guess on the name (such as X32X86) that WinXP would use? Perchance
just WINXP ?
Thus spake Chris Ricker (kaboom at gatech.edu):
> On Mon, 3 Mar 2003, Robert L. Harris wrote:
> >
> >
> > I've been asked to help the Windows admin set up samba to push out
> > drivers for different versions of windows. Currently its set up to only
> > share out for windows98 but supposedly there is a method to share out
> > for multiple OS versions by changing the directory structure.
> >
> > Anyone have any information on this structure, etc? I'm poking around
> > samba.org but it's pretty obscure if it's there.
> The sanest way to do it (and the easiest for your Windows admin) is to
> configure Samba to support the Windows Add Printer wizard.
> Modify your smb.conf:
> [global]
> # support the windoze print wizards
> show add printer wizard = yes
> # define authenticated user who can run wizards
> printer admin = username_of_windows_admin
> [Print$]
> # special share (note the $) which is used by the wizard to store the drivers
> path = /var/samba/print-drivers # or wherever
> read only = yes
> write list = username_of_windows_admin
> # probably want more permissions options here as well
> Bounce Samba.
> Now, create the dir being shared as Print$
> # mkdir -p /var/samba/print-drivers
> You also have to make subdirs for the various Windows versions
> # mkdir /var/samba/print-drivers/{W32X86,WIN40}
> (W32X86 is used for NT and derivatives, WIN40 for 9x/ME. I don't think the
> 3.x stuff supports doing this, but could be quite wrong since I don't
> really do Windows ;-)
> These have to be readable by all and writable on the Unix side by
> username_of_windows_admin, so adjust perms.
> Now, define your printers on the Unix side (/etc/printcap, or
> /etc/cups/printers.conf, or whatever).
> >From a Windows client, log in as username_of_windows_admin and browse
> your Samba-shared printers. They currently don't have drivers associated
> w/ them. Right-click on one and poke around through the properties. On one
> of the tabs, you'll find a New Driver button. Use it to start the Add Printer
> wizard and upload a driver (it gets written to the Print$ share). Once
> you've defined one, if you poke around you'll find an Additional Drivers
> button where you can tell it to upload for other versions of Windows.
> I haven't messed with this in a while, so the above is just what I
> remember / that looked important from the smb.conf file on the server
> where I've got this running. I've probably forgotten something, but those
> are hopefully the key points ;-)
> You can manually put the drivers in the Print$ share, but this method
> seemed far better to me.
> You can also, I think, give username_of_windows_admin the ability to
> create new printers. I've not done that, though.
> later,
> chris
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