[ale] OT: hib's again.

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Mon Mar 3 11:49:46 EST 2003

James P. Kinney III wrote:
> By the same token, a person who directs the writing and sales of an
> operating system that is of poor quality, has numerous security and
> functional flaws, obliterates competitors with impunity, and manages to
> charge more money for patches than the original OS cost is called
> "living the American Dream". We are a dysfunctional society.

Agreed.  That's why public television is dying and shows like 'Married 
by America' flourish...

> On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 11:22, Geoffrey wrote:
>>Caught a portion of a segment of 60 minutes last night regarding IIT 
>>(India Institute of Technology).  One notable comment made was that 2/3 
>>of the students leave India for the United States.
>>Now there's been some comments made regarding overpaid US IT workers 
>>(specific reference to a bmw..).
>>I'm begun to wonder why it is that because I want a decent living, a 
>>nice home, nice car (it's not a bmw) and the ability to put my daughter 
>>in a nice college (which will cost me a hell of a lot more then the 
>>government subsidized IIT) is considered greedy, yet graduates of IIT 
>>coming to the states for IT work is referred to as 'seeking a better way 
>>of life.'  Is not, taking a government education and leaving the country 

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

The latest, most widespread virus?  Microsoft end user agreement.
Think about it...

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